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mimic (verb)

  • 1 mimic

    mimic ['mɪmɪk] (pt & pp mimicked, cont mimicking)
    (a) (person) mimer; (satirically) parodier, singer; (voice, walk, behaviour, nature etc) imiter
    (b) Biology imiter (par mimétisme)
    2 noun
    imitateur(trice) m,f;
    she's an excellent mimic c'est une excellente imitatrice
    (a) (mock → battle, warfare) simulé
    (b) Theatre mimique
    ►► Biology mimic colouring mimétisme m des couleurs

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > mimic

  • 2 mimic

    mimic [ˈmɪmɪk]
    1. noun
    * * *
    ['mɪmɪk] 1.
    noun imitateur/-trice m/f
    transitive verb (p prés etc - ck-)
    1) gen imiter; ( to ridicule) parodier
    2) ( simulate) simuler; Zoology imiter [colouring]
    3) péj ( copy) singer pej

    English-French dictionary > mimic

  • 3 mimic

    1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) imitar

    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) imitador
    mimic1 n imitador
    mimic2 vb imitar
    1 imitador,-ra, remedador,-ra
    1 (copy) imitar, remedar
    2 SMALLBIOLOGY/SMALL (sound) imitar; (appearance) imitar la apariencia de
    mimic ['mɪmɪk] vt, - icked ; - icking : imitar, remedar
    : imitador m, -dora f
    fingido, -a adj.
    imitador adj.
    mímico, -a adj.
    mimo s.m.
    mono s.m.
    remedador s.m.
    imitar v.
    remedar v.

    I 'mɪmɪk
    transitive verb - ck- \<\<voice/accent\>\> imitar, remedar

    noun imitador, -dora m,f
    N mímico(-a) m / f
    VT imitar, remedar
    * * *

    I ['mɪmɪk]
    transitive verb - ck- \<\<voice/accent\>\> imitar, remedar

    noun imitador, -dora m,f

    English-spanish dictionary > mimic

  • 4 mimic

    1. noun
    Imitator, der
    2. transitive verb,
    - ck-
    1) nachahmen; imitieren; (ridicule by imitating) parodieren
    2) (resemble closely) aussehen wie
    * * *
    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) nachahmen
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) der/die Nachahmer(in)
    - academic.ru/46971/mimicry">mimicry
    * * *
    I. vt
    <- ck->
    to \mimic sb/sth jdn/etw nachahmen; (when teasing) jdn/etw nachäffen pej
    2. (be similar)
    to \mimic sth plant, animal etw nachahmen; drug, disease etw dat ähneln [o gleichen
    II. n Imitator(in) m(f)
    * * *
    1. n
    Imitator( in) m(f)

    he's a very good mimicer kann sehr gut Geräusche/andere Leute nachahmen or -machen

    2. vt
    nachahmen or -machen; (= ridicule) nachäffen
    * * *
    mimic [ˈmımık]
    A adj
    1. nachgeahmt, Schein…
    2. mimetic 2
    B s
    a) Nachahmer(in), Imitator m, Imitatorin f
    b) Parodist(in)
    C v/t präp und pperf mimicked, ppr mimicking
    1. a) nachahmen, imitieren
    b) parodieren
    2. aussehen wie
    3. ZOOL Farbe und/oder Gestalt (gen) annehmen
    * * *
    1. noun
    Imitator, der
    2. transitive verb,
    - ck-
    1) nachahmen; imitieren; (ridicule by imitating) parodieren
    2) (resemble closely) aussehen wie
    * * *
    mimisch adj. n.
    Mimik nur sing. f. v.
    nachahmen v.

    English-german dictionary > mimic

  • 5 mimic

    I ['mɪmɪk]
    nome imitatore m. (-trice)
    II ['mɪmɪk]
    verbo transitivo (forma in -ing ecc. - ck-)
    1) imitare; (to ridicule) parodiare, scimmiottare
    2) (simulate) simulare, fingere di possedere [ ability]; zool. mimetizzarsi, confondersi con [ surroundings]
    3) spreg. (copy) contraffare, copiare
    * * *
    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) imitare
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) imitatore, imitatrice
    * * *
    mimic /ˈmɪmɪk/
    A a.
    1 mimico; imitativo
    2 (zool.) mimetico
    3 finto: mimic battles, finte battaglie
    B n.
    1 mimo; imitatore
    FALSI AMICI: mimic non significa mimica. (to) mimic /ˈmɪmɪk/
    (pass. e p. p. mimicked), v. t.
    1 imitare; contraffare; parodiare; scimmiottare: She loves to mimic her teachers, si diverte a scimmiottare i suoi insegnanti
    2 (zool.) mimetizzarsi con: Some insects mimic leaves, taluni insetti si mimetizzano con le foglie
    3 (fig.) imitare: wallpaper painted to mimic marble, carta da parati dipinta a imitazione del marmo.
    * * *
    I ['mɪmɪk]
    nome imitatore m. (-trice)
    II ['mɪmɪk]
    verbo transitivo (forma in -ing ecc. - ck-)
    1) imitare; (to ridicule) parodiare, scimmiottare
    2) (simulate) simulare, fingere di possedere [ ability]; zool. mimetizzarsi, confondersi con [ surroundings]
    3) spreg. (copy) contraffare, copiare

    English-Italian dictionary > mimic

  • 6 mimic

    1. n имитатор
    2. n мимический актёр
    3. n подражатель, обезьяна

    he is a great mimic — он обладает даром подражания; он настоящая обезьяна

    4. n животное, птица, умеющие подражать людям
    5. a подражательный
    6. a ненастоящий

    mimic warfare — военная игра, учения, манёвры

    7. a биол. относящийся к мимикрии
    8. v передразнивать, обезьянничать; пародировать
    9. v подделывать
    10. v биол. принимать защитную окраску
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. actor (noun) actor; impersonator; mummer; performer; playactor; player; thespian; trouper
    2. echo (noun) echo; parrot
    3. imitator (noun) imitator; impressionist; mime
    4. imitate (verb) ape; burlesque; copy; echo; exaggerate; imitate; impersonate; mime; mirror; mock; pantomime; parody; parrot; reflect; repeat; take off; travesty
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > mimic

  • 7 mimic

    'mimik 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) herme etter, parodiere, etterape
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) imitator
    subst. \/ˈmɪmɪk\/
    1) imitator, parodiker
    2) etteraper, etterligner
    3) ( biologi) forklaring: dyr eller plante som har beskyttelseslikhet
    verb \/ˈmɪmɪk\/
    1) herme etter, imitere, parodiere
    2) ( nedsettende) etterape, etterligne
    3) være til forveksling lik
    4) ( biologi) anta (beskyttelses)likhet med, ha (beskyttelses)likhet med
    adj. \/ˈmɪmɪk\/
    1) ( medisin) mimisk
    2) ( nedsettende) hermende, etterlignende, etterapende
    3) falsk, skinn-, imaginær
    mimic battle skinnkamp
    mimic bird papegøye

    English-Norwegian dictionary > mimic

  • 8 mimic

    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) posnemati
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) posnemovalec
    * * *
    I [mímik]
    mimičen, oponašav, posnemalen;
    mimik, oponašavec, posnemavec
    II [mímik]
    transitive verb
    oponašati, posnemati; botany zoology posnemati tujo obliko ali barvo

    English-Slovenian dictionary > mimic

  • 9 mimic

    [English Word] mimic
    [Swahili Word] mwiga
    [Swahili Plural] waiga
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] iga V
    [English Word] mimic
    [Swahili Word] mwigaji
    [Swahili Plural] waigaji
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] iga V
    [English Word] mimic
    [Swahili Word] mwigishaji
    [Swahili Plural] waigishaji
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] iga V
    [English Word] mimic
    [Swahili Word] -iga
    [Part of Speech] verb

    English-Swahili dictionary > mimic

  • 10 mimic

    mesterkélt, utánzó, megjátszott, utánzó személy to mimic: majmol, utánoz
    * * *
    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) utánoz
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) utánzó

    English-Hungarian dictionary > mimic

  • 11 mimic

    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) efterligne; parodiere
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) parodist; mimiker
    * * *
    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) efterligne; parodiere
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) parodist; mimiker

    English-Danish dictionary > mimic

  • 12 mimic

    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) herma/líkja eftir
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) eftirherma

    English-Icelandic dictionary > mimic

  • 13 mimic

    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) imitar
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) imitador
    * * *
    [m'imik] n imitador. • adj 1 mímico. 2 imitativo. • vt imitar, arremedar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mimic

  • 14 mimic

    adj. taklit eden, pandomimaya değin
    n. taklitçi, taklit
    v. taklit etmek, taklidini yapmak, benzemek
    * * *
    1. mimik 2. taklit et (v.) 3. taklitçi (adj.)
    * * *
    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) taklidini yapmak
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) taklitçi

    English-Turkish dictionary > mimic

  • 15 mimic

    • imitaattori
    • imitoida
    • jäljittelevä
    • jäljitellä
    • jäljittelijä
    • karikoida
    • miiminen
    • matkija
    • matkia
    • matkiva
    * * *
    'mimik 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) matkia
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) matkija

    English-Finnish dictionary > mimic

  • 16 mimic

    ['mɪmɪk] 1. n 2. vt
    imitować, naśladować
    * * *
    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) naśladować
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) imitator, naśladowca

    English-Polish dictionary > mimic

  • 17 mimic

    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) atdarināt; parodēt
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) atdarinātājs; parodētājs
    * * *
    atdarinātājs, imitētājs; atdarinātspējīgs zvērs; imitēt, parodēt; pieņemt aizsargkrāsu; atdarināts, imitēts; rotaļu, neīsts

    English-Latvian dictionary > mimic

  • 18 mimic

    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) (pa)mėgdžioti
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) mėgdžiotojas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > mimic

  • 19 mimic

    adj. mimisk, härmande; imiterad, konstgjord
    n. imitatör
    v. imitera, härma
    * * *
    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) härma, imitera, parodiera
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) imitatör, härmare

    English-Swedish dictionary > mimic

  • 20 mimic

    ['mimik] 1. past tense, past participle - mimicked; verb
    (to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister's way of speaking.) napodobit
    2. noun
    (a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.) napodobitel, -ka
    * * *
    • imitátor
    • napodobit

    English-Czech dictionary > mimic

См. также в других словарях:

  • mimic — ► VERB (mimicked, mimicking) 1) imitate in order to entertain or ridicule. 2) (of an animal or plant) take on the appearance of (another) to deter predators or for camouflage. 3) replicate the effects of. ► NOUN 1) a person skilled in mimicking …   English terms dictionary

  • mimic — verb ADVERB ▪ accurately, closely ▪ The computer model is able to mimic very closely the actions of a golfer. ▪ exactly, perfectly ▪ She could mimic her father perfectly …   Collocations dictionary

  • mimic — The inflected forms of the verb are mimics, mimicked, mimicking …   Modern English usage

  • mimic — verb (mimics, mimicking, mimicked) imitate in order to entertain or ridicule. ↘(of an animal or plant) take on the appearance of (another animal or plant) in order to deter predators or for camouflage. ↘replicate the effects of. noun 1》 a person… …   English new terms dictionary

  • mimic — [[t]mɪ̱mɪk[/t]] mimics, mimicking, mimicked 1) VERB If you mimic the actions or voice of a person or animal, you imitate them, usually in a way that is meant to be amusing or entertaining. [V n] He could mimic anybody, and he often reduced Isabel …   English dictionary

  • mimic — I UK [ˈmɪmɪk] / US verb [transitive] Word forms mimic : present tense I/you/we/they mimic he/she/it mimics present participle mimicking past tense mimicked past participle mimicked 1) to copy someone s voice, behaviour, or appearance, especially… …   English dictionary

  • mimic — mim|ic1 [ mımık ] (present participle mim|ick|ing; past tense and past participle mim|icked) verb transitive 1. ) to copy someone s voice, behavior, or appearance, especially in order to make people laugh or to make someone feel annoyed or… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mimic — 1 verb past tense and past participle mimicked (T) 1 to copy the way someone speaks or behaves, especially in order to make people laugh: Sally used to keep us entertained by mimicking the teacher. 2 to behave or operate in exactly the same way… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • mimic — 1. verb 1) she mimicked his accent Syn: imitate, copy, impersonate, do an impression of, ape, caricature, parody, lampoon, burlesque, parrot; informal send up, take off, spoof See note at imitate 2) …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • mimic — I. noun Date: 1596 1. mime 2 2. one that mimics II. adjective Etymology: Latin mimicus, from Greek mimikos, from mimos mime Date: 1625 1. a. imitati …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • mimic — [ˈmɪmɪk] (present participle mimicking; past tense past participle mimicked) verb [T] I to copy someone s voice, behaviour, or appearance Syn: imitate She mimicked his accent.[/ex] mimicry noun [U] II noun [C] mimic [ˈmɪmɪk] someone who is able… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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